ICS & WISTA close 2017 with holiday drinks!
Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS) Canada Branch and Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) Canada jointly hosted Holiday Drinks in Montreal on December 19th 2017.
About two dozen marine industry professionals and students came down to the Irish Embassy Pub & Grill for a good time among friends and to bring 2017 to a close.
ICS would like to thank the Montreal maritime community for their continuous strong support of ICS whether through lunch talks for fellow professionals, exam prep sessions for students or joining our networking events.
This event also capped a year of strong co-operation between ICS and WISTA.
At the international level, ICS & WISTA established a scholarship program in June 2017
ICS – WISTA scholarship recipients were announced in August 2017:
And at a local level ICS Canada Branch and WISTA Canada (along with the Canadian Maritime Law Association) co-hosted Summer Drinks in Montreal.
Special thanks to Jane Chong and Josee Bissonnette of WISTA Canada for approaching ICS Canada Branch to organise the Holiday Drinks and look forward to more great co-operation between our two organisations in 2018!